IoT Monitoring and Logistics


German auto manufacturer Daimler has a vision for a transportation industry where no one dies in a crash, and is utilizing IoT innovation to make vehicles — and by extension, the roads they travel on — safer and more efficient. Daimler, which has maintained a consistent presence as one of the leading adopters of IoT technologies in its vehicles, is continuing to build on past innovations by developing a system for its trucks that allows highly assisted or driverless operations, reducing driver fatigue and increasing road safety. In its pursuit of safer roads, Daimler has already implemented technologies such as proximity control, stop-and-go assist, emergency brake assist, lane-keeping assist and 3-D maps. Such features allow a vehicle to automatically keep a safe distance from other vehicles in a wide variety of traffic and road conditions, in addition to automatically braking if the need arises. Daimler also has integrated improvements to its roadmonitoring systems with innovations, such as a stereo camera and radar sensors, which allow for greater accuracy and improved response times. Daimler is now working to produce a commercially available vehicle equipped with a “Highway Pilot System” that will increase road safety by relieving the driver during potentially dangerous sections of his or her route. In fact, a recent Daimler study found that highly automated driving has a positive effect on driver fitness. Daimler found that assistance from onboard technology reduced driver sleepiness by 25 percent compared with driving a conventional truck, if the driver had the possibility of engaging in other activities while the automated system pilots the vehicle. The benefits of the system aren’t just limited to improved safety. Highly automated trucks will improve fuel efficiency by communicating with infrastructure and other road users, reducing traffic flow and improving fuel economy. “Highly automated driving has numerous advantages: more safety, more efficiency, more ecological sustainability, and more relaxed driving and comfort,” said a Daimler spokesperson. “As an innovative leader in the automotive industry, Daimler Trucks is defining new standards for future transportation needs and leading the wave of innovation toward highly automated trucks and safer highways the world over.” Not just content with a historical position of leadership, Daimler is diving headfirst into the technologies that are rapidly changing the way we live and move. By embracing the potential offered by IoT technologies and focusing on using those innovations to benefit its customers, the roads they drive on, and the other drivers on those roads, Daimler is setting an example of the transformative power of the IoT revolution, an example from which companies in every industry could learn.


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Ed Campbell