Some vulnerabilities represent a minor risk to your business while others are critical and must be addressed immediately. Understanding the vulnerability landscape and mapping the risk of each vulnerability to the criticality of your assets and services is an important part of good security hygiene.
INCA Networks provides a robust vulnerability management solution to that is built around the needs of your business. Every business has different elements of a Network that will be more at risk and every business has different elements of a Network that are uniquely valuable.
INCA Networks’ Managed Vulnerability Assessment Service helps you meet four of the six basic controls in the CIS Top 20 through a combination of continuous vulnerability scanning, on-going assessments and actionable vulnerability insights.
Does My Business Need To Prioritise Threats?
While organisations are faced with an abundance of information on vulnerabilities every day, it is important to map these vulnerabilities to the specific business profile and risk profile in order to use existing resources in the most productive way possible, as well as cut mounting costs and repeated maintenance windows generated by a stress based, emergency patching approach.
Without understanding these vulnerabilities, their level of impact and their associated risk it is difficult to make informed decisions to protect your business and can overwhelm your information security teams.